Oh The Places You'll Go

September 5
Nothing teaches us like experience! Having taken seven children to college and had to leave them there to....live out "come what may"....I have a heart of compassion for mother's embarking on this process at this time of year.

While praying for a group of new freshmen, I came up with this piece of wisdom word art:

F-facebook can have lifelong consequences...be wise
R-reach out to others and you will most likely find the blessing
E-eat wisely and exercise
S-show up to class and establish relationships with your professors
H-hang overs are ugly...avoid alcohol
M-mentor someone and find a mentor for yourself
A-answer your parents emails and phone calls...they really do love you
N-never forget...God loves you and has a purpose for your life...stay connected to Him.

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.  1 Peter 3:8

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