January 7
Wash and make yourself clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong.  
Learn to do right, seek justice.  Defend the oppressed.  
Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. 
Isaiah 1:16-17

January 5th's Biblegateway verse above gives us quite a project list.
1) Confess our sins
2) Stop doing wrong.
3) Learn to do right  (for that behavior doesn't come naturally)
4) Defend the oppressed (Start by trying to brighten their day)
5)Take up the cause of the fatherless (Invite a single mom and her children to dinner, attend the 
    children's sporting events, inquire at a local school or college about ways to support students without 
6) Plead the case of the widow or widower  (Plan a dinner/evening event for a them. Those evening              
     hours are the toughest times of the day.)

As we look back over this list, we think...How will I find time to do these things?  The Jesus Today devotional I am reading had this quote (the author writes as if Jesus were speaking to her):
"Dare to ask great things of Me, remembering who I am."

When we are working as to the Lord, nothing is impossible.  Watch and He will place the areas of ministry before you and provide the time to carry out His will.

Now to Him how is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us."
Ephesians 3:20

It is when we step out of our skin and into His hands with servant hearts, wanting to do His will, that the greatest work gets done!  So, off we go on this great adventure!

Today's praise song, Amazing Grace,  will thrill your heart.  It is sung by blind, Italian, tenor, Andrea Bocelli, who lost his eye sight by the age of twelve. He was born with congenital glaucoma.  As I watched it I thought of his parents and how blessed he was that they encouraged him in his love for music.  Made me think of the list above, the oppressed, the fatherless, the widows/widowers and how God wants us to encourage them to find their God given gifts, use them to bring God glory and thus find joy!

Day 2 of Praise  

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