Journey with James-Drastic Change

January 16
Here's hoping the Lord will allow me to do some double hitting the next 8 weeks as I am in an in-depth Beth Moore study.  I'd love to just be able to regurgitate what I learn each day from her study, but more than likely God will set me on some different paths with Boojoyful and s t r e t c h me, reminding me to allow the Holy Spirit to do the work.

I do love how this study of the book of James begins referencing  1 Corinthians 15:7:
Then He (Christ) appeared to James.
Realize this appearance was after Christ had been crucified, so it was probably a real show stopper!
Jesus' half-brother had not believed Christ was whom he claimed to be while Christ walked on earth.  Obviously, from the book of James, we learn those beliefs changed drastically.

People change...a 25 year high school reunion is proves that. Christ's profession, you might say, is a redemption service, it is all about changing lives.  He came to save sinners (we'd all be in that basket).

I've just started reading a book by John Ortberg called The Life You've Always Wanted.
In the preface the writer states: "The Christian gospel insists that transformation of the human personality really is possible.  Never easy. Rarely quick. But possible.  I see it happening in people sometimes-occassionally even in myself.
It begins to happen anytime people become intensely serious about learning from Jesus how to arrange their lives. Wise people across centuries have devoted themselves to this.  But the Way of Jesus needs to be restudied and reapplied to every age and social setting."

Many of the women in the James study had prayer requests related to God giving them a passion  for studying His Word.  The word passion  packs a powerful punch!  There are two verses in The Message which should stir us on to be passionate in our desire to see our lives drastically changed to  be more like Christ's.
Jesus said, Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.  
Matthew 22:37

God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks.
Lamentations 3:25

Bring on the passion in our lives today Lord and change us from the inside out!

Day #10 of Praise
Change me from the Inside Out by Hillsong

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