
Our daughter in her Covenant College office,
which signifies how hard she has worked to accomplish her doctoral title!
If you're in her French Literature class those stacks represent a lot of reading you are doing!

December 22
What is your most memorable accomplishment? Maybe there is a goal you are praying your way through right now.

God set out to save mankind from sin and accomplished it by coming to earth in a most unique fashion.  Jesus explains it this way:

"I came down from heaven not to follow my own whim, but to accomplish the will of the One who sent me."  John 6:38

So, let's set down the wrapping paper, put aside the Christmas cards, and forget the cookie crumbs on the counter.  Whether it's a silent night, a holy night, or jingle bells that are ringing, may we truly ponder the question: "What Child is this?"   If someone stopped us today and said, "Why do you celebrate Christmas?" How would we respond?

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