To Be...Loving the Mysteries of God

Escaping the heat and taking a reading break on the pontoon!

August 20
The conversation began with my husband telling the grands this joke.  A little boy was in the cafeteria line and took two apples when the sign said, "Only one apple."  The teacher said, "Johnny put the apple back, God is watching." So, Johnny went over to the cookie table  and told his friend Billy he could take more than the allotted one cookie, because God was busy watching the apples.

Our grandson laughed and said, "God sees everything."  I chimed in, "Isn't it amazing that God knows what people are doing in China, in Africa and right here in America all at the same time?"

A half an hour later our grandson came back to me and said, "Maybe God is the sun, because it is so powerful?"  My reply, "Oh, no. God is so much bigger than the sun.  Remember there are suns and universes we don't even know about.  That's huge!  The Bible tells us our minds aren't even capable of understanding the mind of God."  He pondered for a minute and then made my favorite comment of the summer..."Mama Boo, don't you just love the mysteries of God!"  I can't get that off my mind.
That needs to be my new morning greeting to the Lord.  "Father, I love Your mysteries!"

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