The Church

Doing Bible study
Breaking Bread together

There are days I feel discouraged about revival ever coming back to America.  Days I feel like "the church" is asleep. The other day I decided to look at the cup half full and I stopped and rejoiced over all the vibrant churches in America. There is a definite remnant!

Each of our seven children have been blessed to attend one, if not more, stand up and praise the Lord, you are going to hear the gospel today, churches in the various locations in which they have lived.

No matter where we live in the USA, if we look we can find a Bible believing, gospel preaching, learn lots about Jesus church to plug into.

God must intend for this to be a get off your duff and get fired up for Jesus year for me, because he has me studying Acts in Bible Study Fellowship and from our church pulpit for the next several months. If you plug in the phrase "the church" into Biblegateway and scroll down to what "the church" does in Acts you will get an eyeful.

The church prayed together, discussed problems together, fasted together, traveled together, was jailed together, supported and encouraged one another, and on and on...

"The churches became stronger in their faith, and each day more people put their faith in the Lord."
Acts 16:5

That is still true today. If you can't say those things about your church, then shop around.

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