Get Up and Go!
Some extended family on the "Go" in Jamaica!
Sunday morning I was up before 6AM ready for the Lord's day. After my quiet time I embarked on some church work on the computer. At 8:50 God simply said, "Get off the computer and go to church." I needed to be there for a time of prayer by 9:25.
Instead what did I do...I googled people God told to "Go!" and even took this trivia quiz.
And thus, I totally missed the prayer time. Are you kidding me? Back to yesterday's entry on distractions. I was snagged.
Jonah struggled with the "Go" instructions as well and remember where it landed him.
“Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are.” Jonah 1:2
Forgive me Lord for being such a slow learner. For what I know of You, there was much more than prayer that I missed. There was probably somewhere You wanted me to join You in ministry or a blessing that was waiting for me that I missed. May I be found faithful to follow not only where You lead, but when. In Jesus' name, Amen.