Lavished Love
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Ever since the stroke I've lost my confidence in several things. Driving and following directions to new places (which is sequential and a sequencing is a struggle for me) is one of the biggies. I chuckle, my husband gets in the car and turns up the tunes! I get in and quickly turn off the radio cutting out the distraction. What that does though is afford me some marvelous listen to the Lord time. Alone car time makes the top ten "I can hear Jesus" places in my life. It is right up there with shower time, screened porch time, dock time, kayaking, pontoon, long walks, and flat on my face time.God gave me the sweetest acrostic for LOVE while in the car this week...
L-lavish "bestowing something in generous and extravagant quantities."
God has lavishes his love upon us that while we were yet sinners He sent his Son to die for us.
O-outpouring-"streams out rapidly and with strong emotion."
God's love never dries up. He exhibits an outpouring of love over us continually.
V-valuable "of great worth, extremely useful or important."
God's love is the most valuable kind of love we can experience.
E-everlasting "eternal"
God's love for us has always been and will always be. Oh, the blessing of everlasting Love.