Let the Lonely Know Their Worth


On this Saturday in December some are hustling to find a gift, picking up food for parties, or putting last minute touches on Christmas pageants. Two friends headed to Charleston, SC this weekend. One to host her daughter's wedding, the other to bury her daughter. 

What a week it has been. Friday, a life long friend held her mother's memorial service and today two others celebrate the lives of their husbands in what will be bittersweet farewells. Two others have unwrapped very unexpected cancer diagnosis this week instead of presents. Life rarely slows and continually brings change.


I lie awake; I am like a lonely sparrow on the housetop.  Psalm 102:7

A church member we've known for years texted last night to say she's taken her husband off the machine that has kept him alive for two years.  He's ready to spend Christmas with Jesus.

Today's video is one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen. Visually, it is enchanting and vocally it is spectacular.  Lyrically, it's not gospel filled but the phrase I hope we all take into our hearts today is this one..."Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth."

For some, Christmas is the loneliest time of the year.  May our eyes be open to the people in the pews, the individuals sitting alone in restaurants, the neighbor who has no one coming home for Christmas, the recent divorcee who will have to share her children this year and pick up the tree alone when it falls over.

The Song "Hallelujah" by Carrie underwood and John Legend 


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