Gotta Have Some Faith
The middle of the night word was release. Release- allow or enable to escape from confinement, set free; to move, act, or flow freely. Was that coming from the beautiful picture of a bus bringing the local inmates to our church for the Christmas Eve service, where their families joined them? It equally had meaning for so many who are waiting release from hospitals or homes where COVID complications have them captured. Our daughter and her family took a meal Christmas Day to a college student who was quarantined in her apartment and not allowed to go home for the holiday with her family.
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 Amen!
As I often do, I turned on the radio to a Christian station to see if there was a message in the music. The song was "Faith" by Jordan Feliz
Claim what the Lord has to speak over you from these lyrics.
There is no mountain that can't be moved
I know there's help for the heavy hearted
The weak will find their strength renewed
It's knowing He's there through the sun and the rain
It's when you believe it, before you can see it
And you can walk on 'cause he's making the way
Praying through so many silent hours
Finding a breath when you feel like fainting
Loving the lover you are right now
It's knowing He's there through the sun and the rain
It's when you believe it, before you can see it
And you can walk on 'cause he's making the way
Oh, you gotta have some faith Faith, faith You gotta have some faith, faith
He'll always there through the sun and the rain
You've got to believe it, before you can see it
And you can walk on 'cause he's making the way
When you don't see but you believe it anyway Faith, faith Faith, faith Just gotta have some faith"