The Remnant


In a Biblegateway search I found 84 verses referencing God's promises and usages of a remnant of his people!  You may think of a remnant as the leftovers, like these pieces left from the pruning of our magnolia tree. Well, a remnant can bring forth beautiful things!

 So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.  Romans 11:5

Remnants are preserved for a purpose. Ha, when it comes to my knitting, crafting and sewing supplies there are WAY too many remnants hanging around.  I keep them because I know they can still have purpose, even if it is just in the grandchildren's creations.

God's remnants have purpose!  Look at Noah and his family!  Joseph's brothers may have tossed him aside, but boy did God use him. Good thing for those brothers.

God's remnants understand they are saved by grace.

God's remnants always confess their sins to God believing he is faithful and just and will forgive them and cleans them from all unrighteousness.  

God's remnants are blessed beyond measure and remain hopeful.

God's remnant, His church,  is here today working like salt in a world full of decay to preserve God's standard here on earth.  

The Song

Be Born in Me Francesca Battistelli

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