Messiah, He is Here-Seek Him

An evening rainbow over the lake after a rain shower is a beautiful reminder He is here.

The definition of Messiah is: "the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible."

When Jesus was born in the village of Bethlehem in Judea, Herod was king. During this time some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is the child born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:1-2

Have you ever stopped to wonder why the Gentile "wisemen" came to worship the king of the Jews? Also, how about their wisdom to see in their hearts and minds the jealousy and evil Herod held. They revealed nothing to him about this child, but headed home a different way. There are times we need to turn away as well.

I know I drive my husband crazy at times.  We had tuned in watch "The Voice Finale" and I asked, "Would you hit pause?"  I think I read his thoughts...."Here is comes..."  My inquiry, "So why would those Gentile astrologers seek out a baby who was supposedly going to be king of the Jews?"  His immediate, clever response..."Because they were wise. And they had heard Daniel prophecy about this coming king."  Me, hmm, so would it be similar to us as Americans getting a thrill hearing the Queen of England was coming and baring no time, nor expense and traveling in hopes of getting a glimpse of the Queen of England?"  He stared at me and clicked back on "The Voice".

God's Word stirs us to seek and in our seeking we find Love.

Be challenged by this writing on the wise men from a Tennessee author, Daniel Darling.

"Matthew is telling us that true worshipers worship the true King. While most of Israel slept in spiritual lethargy and those who knew the Scriptures-the scribes and the chief priests-were more fearful of Herod than God, these men had the faith to worship the One who deserved worship: Jesus.

The presence of these men from the East, outsiders, Gentiles-is a confirmation of God's promise to send a Messiah who would not only be the King of the Jews, but a Messiah for the nations.  Jesus' kingdom is a kingdom not just for insiders, but for outsiders.  In fact, many insiders-those closest to Jesus-were most resistant to His message.  And so it often is today. Those who are most "churched" are often those who are so blinded by self-righteousness they cannot see-we cannot see-the gospel.  And it is often those who seem so far from God whom God by His Spirit is drawing."

Thank God that his is a global kingdom and all are invited in. We are included within this beautiful diversity and like the wisemen we will bow before our King.  Yes, one day every knee will bow and worship The King!  (Philippians 2:10)

We are promised that Jesus is coming back. Are we keenly watching for His arrival?  Who is it we see as different that we have not been welcoming into our fellowship? Who needs to hear HIStory?  Go and tell.

If you have not watched Christmas With The Chosen make it a priority this week and invite someone to join you.  You can fast forward to 15 minutes and skip the intro.

The Song  "Messiah" by Francesca Battistelli 

(I made signs like in this video for table decorations.)

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