Reconcile vs Conceal
November 17
Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.
Matthew 5:23-24
Conceal:to prevent disclosure or recognition of; to place out of sight
Reconcile: to restore to friendship or harmony; settle, resolve.
Coming out of a time of prayer this morning I turned to the passage of scripture above, which revealed I'd missed some spots in my confession time. As I read Matthew 5:23-24 and took in the word "reconcile" the word "conceal" came immediately to mind. We are slow to reconcile our hurts/differences with others because it is much easier to conceal (to place out of sight) that there is a problem and just move on. In the ways of the world that is fine and dandy. Just move on to the next relationship and see how long it lasts. For Christians the problem isn't so simple because it creates a blockage to our prayer lives.
Is there someone you are dodging in the grocery store aisles. With the holidays upon us who are you prone to avoid at Christmas parties or pray you don't have to sit near at the family dinner?
This verse actually has a little twist to it. Usually when we are talking to the Lord it is about people who have hurt us. This charge to us is to go to people who have something against us.
Does it guarantee they will welcome us with open arms? Nope, but that's for God to handle. All He asks us to do is our part.
Let's Pray: Abba, Father, from the beginning of time You have had a plan for abundant living for Your children. Just like the detailed instructions and packs of screws which come with putting together Ikea items or a new grill, when we follow the directions it works out beautifully and we have a useful item. You created us to be useful for Your purposes, but we need to follow Your directions. Life really is all about relationships and the most important one to have intact is the one we have with You. You never disappoint. We've been created in Your image, but are constant works in progress. May Your words sink into our hearts and minds and bring forth improvements in our lives today. Oh, to be like Jesus! A man who listened to the word and did what it says. In His name we pray, Amen