Walking Toward ?

Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; 
but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”Jesus replied, 
“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is 
fit for service in the kingdom of God.”  
Luke 9:61-62

April 27
Grabbing hold of this verse the other day, I pulled it into my soul like some of the big fat robins in our yard tugging at worms in the morning to fed upon.  Am I offering up limitations to the Lord when it comes to my willingness to serve Him where he calls me to serve? What are the "but first" comments I toss out to Him?
When I begin to question moves and decisions we've made in our lives, at what we believed were the Lord's promptings, my husband is quick to say...."Do your not believe the Lord led us to that place?"
While praying together yesterday with a friend, my husband implanted this truth into our prayer time..."Lord, we have learned time and time again that there is often a whole separate dimension to what we are going through, which is intended to bring you glory. Help us to have our eyes and hearts open to see those opportunities and be obedient."

So we enter another day, needing to get over OURSELVES.  Examining closely what we are walking towards. Hopefully, we are getting closer and closer to our Creator, Savior, Redeemer and Friend and seeing the path from His perspective.

When our heads hit our pillows tonight...may we thank God that we have pillows  :)  and be able to say....It was a God day!

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