You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

April 25
There is a verse which says, "The joy of the Lord is my strength." (Nehemiah 8:10) What a great "U-turn" verse.  When the path we are headed down is fueled by the likes of bitterness, heartache, doubt, fear, or jealousy we can slam on the breaks and make a U-turn right into the love of Jesus.  The joy we find in His presence will strengthen us, heal our hurts, warm our hearts and remind us how blessed we are to be loved by our Creator....which in turn will...make us feel like dancing!

Tuning in to a teaching on Moses' sister Miriam, I realized I need to up the ante of expectancy when it comes to reasons to rejoice.  The commentator made reference to the fact that when the Israelites made a hasty exit from Egypt, Miriam took time to pack her tambourine.  I've often thought of what I would grab in the case of a fire and my tambourine (yes, I have one) is not on the list.  Miriam grabbed her tambourine because she knew there would come a time when God would give them reason to dance and praise Him for his provision.

My tambourine is pretty tacky nowadays.  I think a new one, maybe even with streamers hanging down will be my Mother's Day gift to myself.  (I wanted the new Ipad, but a tambourine on the kitchen table may be more appropriate.)

Wherever you are, jump up right now...clap your hands in the air...and praise the Lord, pretending you are shaking your tambourine!  :)

You make me feel like dancing Lord, simply because YOU ARE!

I am God, the God of your father.  Genesis 46:3

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