Our oldest grandson shared his home and school with us last week.
May 11
Our pastor delivered an excellent message on the elements necessary for the church to be unified. One of those elements was hospitality. People were thrilled to find out setting an elegant table with a flowery centerpiece was not a requirement for offering hospitality. He described hospitality as caring!Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Romans 12:13
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. Acts 4:32
An attitude of hospitality can be instilled in our children at an early age. Our oldest grandson exuded hospitality in the way he cared for us. He is always quick to offer his bed and to sleep on the floor. This trip we were going on a walk and I had not brought tennis shoes. Without hesitation he asked my shoe size and was on the task of solving the problem by borrowing shoes for me!
Being hospitable doesn't require a room. The definition is "being welcoming and friendly to strangers or guests." We can offer hospitality at church, at school, the workplace, where we volunteer, the gym, or even in the bleachers of a sporting event.
Welcoming someone into your home is certainly a way of showing you care. To be invited "IN" speaks volumes to an individual of how you feel towards them. Everything doesn't have to be "in place" and perfect. Be real! Offer pizza on a picnic table in the back yard. Have a pot luck and let others share in the caring by bringing something along.
The simple act of inviting, to have one's presence requested in an activity is a huge way of caring!