Desire to pray.

August 22
I desire therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without...doubting. 1 Timothy 2:8

"Prayer is that means whereby man's will is bent to God's desires."
Charles H. Brent

Boo thought: Everybody needs a friend like Paul is to Timothy, in this book of encouragement and step by step instructions. He speaks from the perspective of one who had a powerful experience of God showing up and speaking to him, thus having a passion to please God.
He stresses that God wants everyone to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. Paul also mentions the importance of praying for kings and all those in authority, for these leaders' decisions have a huge impact on people living in peace. Great nudge for us to be praying for our upcoming elections.
The word "desire" keeps jumping out at me this morning. When you look in the middle of that word you see the little word "sir". God is our big "Yes, sir!" Let's make a list of our top five desires...starting with being pleasing in God's sight!

Let's Pray: Lord, I can't lift up my hands and type, but I will stop between sentences and raise them up to You! May all Your creation praise Your holy name this morning. May people everywhere recognize the power in prayer and the purpose of prayer. Prayer brings us into fellowship with YOU and that is an awesome place to be. Father we do pray for the leaders in this world. Keep their egos in check. Tug on their hearts in a way that they aren't satisfied until they find You. Raise up leaders who desire peace. Keep our nation, as one under You and may that be reflected in the way this nation votes. In Jesus Name, Amen

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