Open Our Eyes

August 8
We walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

"The oceans of God's love come up into the tiny bay of our unbelief."
Peter Marshall

Boo Thought: Climbing into his pickup truck, my husband couldn't believe what he saw. Flying around was, at first glance, the largest bee he had ever seen. He backed out, leaving the door open and waited until what he realized was a hummingbird, exited the truck.

So many episodes we encounter in life are not what they seem to be. Tumultuous events occur and we wonder how a loving God could allow them. Positions God can call upon us to take may make no sense at all, but that should come as no surprise for His ways are not our ways... His outcomes are wonderful!

Let's pray the song...Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus, to reach out and touch him and say that we love Him. Open our ears, Lord. And teach us to listen. Open our eyes, Lord. We want to see Jesus. In Jesus Name, Amen

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