Step of Faith

May 12th
On a walk this weekend I came upon a turtle crossing a very busy road.
Moving with faith and confidence, he had made it to the double yellow
line with his head held high. I found myself saying, "Go boy, go!"
I myself, was in a rather precarious position as there was no shoulder along
this curvy road and I would have to step down a bank when cars passed.
An approaching truck brought a grimace to my face as I watched him swerve to
the middle of the road to avoid me, coming extremely close to the turtle.
The turtle tucked his head and I believe he prayed, "Spare me Father."
Surviving the encounter unscathed, I decided it was time to risk my life
and run out and move this turtle to the other side of the road. He hissed
at me and pulled his head back into his shell as I picked him up and
scurried across the road positioning myself in a dangerous curve. Running
back across to a safer location on the road, I didn't wait for a thank you.

My God calling reading today is called "Thrill of Protection." It reads:
Turn out all thoughts of doubt and of trouble. Never tolerate them for one
second. Bar the windows and doors of your souls against them as you would
bar your home against a thief who would steal in to take your treasures...
Face each day with Love and Laughter. Face the storm. Joy, Peace, Love.
My great gifts. Follow me to find them."

Yesterday, as my faith began to waiver at one point, it was as if the Lord
cleared his throat to gently get my attention.
Uh, hum...Boo, I am the Great I AM and I am able!

Let's Pray: Father, You are the Beginning and the End. The One before all
things. As we remember Your faithfulness to generation after generation our
faith increases. May we think of the turtle when turmoil comes and may we
tuck our heads in prayer, trusting in You for the remainder of the journey.
Encourage us not to hiss when You send help our way, but to be thankful for
Your hand of provision and give You praise and thanksgiving. In Jesus' Name,

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