Fever or Hot Flash

May 27

This past week I kept thinking I was having lots of hot
flashes and a reaction to the pollen in the air, when in
reality I had a fever and was sick with a virus. This conclusion
could have been reached faster had I taken time to stick a thermometer
in my mouth or ear (if I had the fancy kind, ah good Christmas present
for my kids).

We often have trouble differentiating between what God is telling
us, what are our fleshly desires and what the enemy might be whispering
in our ears. When we open God's word and hold it up our dilemmas in life
we increase our chances of discernment.

Yesterday, I sat on my screen porch to do my Bible Study. Moses wandered
up wishing for a back scratch. Succumbing to his desires left numerous
hair balls blowing across the porch. Watching that occurrence brought
me to a very powerful verse:

Ephesians 4:14
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves,
and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and
craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

My prayer for us today, in the mighty name of Jesus and through the power
of the Holy Spirit is that we will have godly discernment in all the
situations which come our way!

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