Never Normal

May 25
Our air-conditioner went out Friday (great timing...a holiday weekend).
The nights have been delightful, so we have opened our windows and the
door in our bedroom to our screened porch. We were just closing our eyes
last night when the loudest Whip-poor-will or Chuck-will's widow (a larger
version) let out with its song. It was so loud, my husband thought the
bird was on the screened porch. Walking out onto the porch I turned
on the spotlight which shines onto our volleyball court. Right there on
the top of one of the net posts sat this confident bird singing over and
over again its nocturnal song.

Some people receive a lovely robin or blue bird in their yard, but not
us, nope we get the loudest whip-poor-will around serenading us to sleep!
My husband says, "Nothing normal ever happens to us."

When we reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day...remembering those who
died while serving our country, there is nothing very normal about a
person who is willing to give his/her life for their country.
Such sacrifice is extraordinary!

A God who cares so much about his children (knowing in advance they
would fall into a sinful state)He comes up with a plan to come to fallen
earth in the form of Jesus to save sinners is rather extraordinary Himself.

As for God, his way is perfect. 2 Samuel 22:31

He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

Deuteronomy 32:4

That's not normal, but that is the kind of God I want to serve.

Let's Pray today for all who serve our country and our Lord!

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