Where Am I Going?

Yoder's Farm Corn Maze in VA

Fall reminds me of corn maze adventures.  They really are not my favorite, but it seems like as a parent/teacher every year we've taken field trips which include this adventure. Last year we were with our grands in one and we seemed to be going round and round and were hot and ready for something cold to drink, so I said, "Let's look up and see if we can see the roof of the barn and house from whence we started."  We probably cheated a bit to get out of there quickly.

When we have departed from using God's Word as our guideline, we need to look back up to Him and take his yoke.

Truth be told, I get lost in my own home!  Maybe I am heading to the kitchen to prepare something when I see dirty laundry piled up and decide to take it to the wash only to realize I have a load in the dryer that needs folding and to be put away.  An email or text pops up in the process, I stop to respond to that and never make it to the original kitchen destination.

The other day my plan was to slip away with Jesus early in the morning.  Looking at the clock on my computer I realize it is 1:30PM! I've been doing "stuff", good things for church, but it wasn't what was best.  Sitting with Jesus.

At that point I grabbed a cup of tea, a blanket, my Bible, a devotional book and journal and was headed to my "get away" screened porch. Somehow with my overloaded brain, I ended up standing in front of the washer and dryer. I thought, "What am I doing here? This is scary."  I made a quick retreat for the porch!

Sometimes our walk with Jesus seems unclear. We are clueless as to the exact designation He is leading towards.  That's why we need a lamp!

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

It's amazing grace that brings us through...

"Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come;

Tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home."

The Song

"Hills and Valleys" Tauren Wells

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