Reign and Rein

April 30-May 2

The homophones reign and rein captured my mind when I heard an editor on Merriam Webster explaining how to differentiate between the two. She said that reign has to do with a ruler such as a king and both words have the letter "g", while rein relates to the apparatus used to control or pull in a horse. (The little word in is found in rein.)

So, if Christ reigns (rules) in our hearts we should allow Him to rein in(control)our lives and guide us on the paths He has laid out for us!

There is a great praise song called Lord Reign in Me
Over all the earth You reign on high
Every mountain stream Every sunset sky
But my one request Lord my only aim Is that you reign in me again

Lord reign in me Reign in your power
Over all my dreams In my darkest hour
You are the Lord of all I am So won't you reign in me again

Over every thought Over every word
May my life reflect The beauty of my Lord
You mean more to me Than any earthly thing So won't you reign in me again

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