Don't Cry

May 19th

Very interesting to me that today, a day when I have enormous medical concerns on my heart for four people very close to me, I would be camping out in the book of Luke who was a physician with a deep connection to the need for healing. His writing is not only skilled, but also filled with insight into the love and compassion Jesus has for all mankind. A healing touch, a caring word, and a sincere look that changed lives are all characteristics which come to life in this book written by a man who probably never met Jesus in the flesh, but accepted him because of the first hand accounts he heard from others. Whew, Lord help us to live lives that impact others in the same manner.

One of the most moving stories is that of the poor widow in chapter seven whose only son dies. Jesus comes on the scene as the man's body is being carried out and the town's people are mourning with this distraught mother. She doesn't even know Jesus or call to him, yet the Bible says he saw her and his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry" Hmm, do you think he was reflecting on what his own precious mother would go through. Jesus tells the man to get up and he comes back to life!

Not being able to sleep last night, I decided at one point to pray over my husband who was snoring away. I asked God to to bless his mind and give him wisdom and knowledge for decisions he needs to make, for only word of truth and exaltation to come from his mouth and for his ears to hear words of encouragement and some good Bible teaching. I prayed that all which would come before his eyes would be pure and uplifting. Moving onto his heart I asked for it to be healthy, but also protected from the evil one who would desire to bring harm and discouragement. He has a meniscus tear in his knee which is acting up, so I asked for healing for that particular ailment and then for his feet to lead him on paths of righteousness.
Just as God saw the needs of that woman, He sees each of us.

Here is where a bit of a rub came in for me..."Lord, if you help this woman out by bringing her son back to life, why won't You just heal everyone?" Ah, the honest questions...when we go before Him with them He does answer. Yesterday, I forgot to post this entry...I spent the afternoon with a friend who has battled cancer for six years and is in terrible pain. We did some honest chatting with God and shed some tears. Towards the end of our prayer time God revealed to me that without this pain the two of us would not be sharing the intimate moments in His presence which have woven us together in a way not many get to experience. We thanked Him and praised Him for that and then I said, "But in the mighty name of Jesus, please take away this pain now!"

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