
May 6th

I'm soooo confused! This English language can be such a challenge. Still in sleepy mode or possible even just coming out of a dream I knew the word the Lord was giving me today was yield. I feel as if He even gave me a great devotional, but I can't remember a lick of it!
Flipping, I guess that would actually be "clicking", through BibleGateway none of the verses seemed to speak to where I thought God was taking me. They all pertained to the definition of yield which relates to bear, bring forth, and produce.

These are the definitions to which I felt God was leading me:
: to surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another; hand over possession of; to surrender or submit (oneself) to another; to give (oneself) up to an inclination, temptation, or habit; to relinquish one's possession of (as a position of advantage or point of superiority).

We need to yield to the work the Lord is "trying" to do in our lives. Often that means enduring uncomfortable situations, trial and heartache to learn the lessons He has for us. Learning to yield to the Holy Spirit is a great benefit, but it is difficult for us to loosen our grip of self-control.

Read back over those definition and ask God to show you the area which pertains to your life. I need to yield my priorities to the Lord today and put Him before household projects. It is the National Day of prayer and I need to spend more time praying, than playing!

Typing away I realized the word humble correlated well with yield.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

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