Aging With Grace -4

Maybe you are saying, "Enough of this old age stuff Boo."  I just can help but pass on these nuggets I'm learning from the various stories of older women in Aging With Grace. It fills me with hope and with a vibrant perspective on aging.

Susan Hunt writes, "I sometime hear Christians, especially older people say, 'I'm okay under the circumstances' or 'I'm hanging in there.' I am not minimizing their sorrow and suffering, but under  and hanging are not the destiny of God's people."  She then shares this statement from Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a British protestant minister born in 1899.  (Popular British children's author Sally Lloyd-Jones is not related to Martyn.)

"If we only understood what the Christian really is and the position in which he is placed, if only we realized the privilege and the possibilities of that position, and above everything else, the glorious destiny of everyone who is truly a Christian, then our entire outlook would be completely changed.

"The more we understand that God has a plan for us, and he will gather us to himself, the more we flourish." Susan Hunt

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.  2 Corinthians 3:18

Our daughter said to me yesterday in addition to a strong salvation message being given she wishes more pulpits would share testimonies like the one given at all the campuses of Franklin Heights Church yesterday by Dr. Matt Billups.  She said, "When we accept Jesus, eternal life starts now." There is so much richness to experience right now with Jesus here on earth.

Instead of a  song today, I'm sharing the link to this physicians powerful testimony of what has happened to him the past 7 months due to a horrific COVID battle.

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