Toss Away all Bitterness-Honeycomb


Our Utah son posted this photo and message on Instagram.

                                             Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others.                                                                                          Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude. 

Ephesians 4:31

June 9th I posted a devotional titled "Honeycomb". It explained how when I hear the grands grumbling or saying unkind words I simply say, "Honeycomb" and remind them that kind words are like honey to the soul.  Well, it came back upon me recently!

After going for a pedicure where the tech was a real "downer" I was explaining, in detail, to the family in the house what had happened and finished with an exclamation "I am never going back there."  With that one of our grandsons said, "Honeycomb!"  And he was correct. While I didn't say anything to the nail tech (which sent an ugly message itself) I was grumbling to my family. My relating of the story brought them no joy. I was as much a "downer" as the woman who had been rude to me.

Shortly thereafter a devotional came with this quote from Max Lucado.  

"Revenge builds a lonely house.  Space enough for one.  The lives of its tenants are reduced to one goal; make someone miserable.  They do.  Themselves. No wonder God insists that we 'keep a sharp eye out for the weeds of bitter discontent.  A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time."  (Hebrews 12:15) 

Whew, back to my recent posts on aging with grace!  I try to approach each day with a smile on my face, the joy that comes for Jesus in my heart and the remembrance that nothing touches us that God isn't able to use for his good.  As I'm typing my humanness is still saying, "I'm not going back there."

When I slide into this "I've been wronged mode" I think of Joseph who was wronged again and again, but he always trusted the Lord who in his own timing work all things together for Joseph's  good and eventually, the good of his entire family.

I also remember Colossians 3:13 "As Christ forgave you, so  you also must forgive others."

The Song "Amazing Grace" Pentatonix

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