February 27 Bible Gateway's verse yesterday was: This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him . 1 John 4:9 A fitting verse for the day my everyday friend, soul sister, monster of the faith and mischievous partner in crime, Kaye, left this world behind and headed to her heavenly home. My husband was able to be by her bedside and said he knew she heard the words of our faith that he shared. Her sweet daughter held the phone up to her ear so I could say good-bye and the brightest single star you have ever seen shown through my bedroom window as she exited this earth! Yesterday, my heart literally ached so badly that I told the Lord, "Take me too!" Wouldn't she have been surprised if I had snuck up on her in heaven and said, "Thought you were going somewhere without me, did ya." When we received the call she was ready to go, I called out to the Lord for comfort and He led me to the Bible Gat...
June 13 If I keep my eyes on God, I won't trip over my own feet. Psalm 25:12 …or allow them to be sucked off by carp! For as long as I've been on this lake (49 years) we've gone to feed the carp at various marinas. I have a bag of old bread waiting to be tossed to the carp tomorrow by our grandchildren! There's a new adventure at a couple of the marinas. Toe sucking! For 25 cents you can buy a small scoop of peanut butter to go on your toes. Then the carp suck it off! I just got a pedicure, so I have an excuse not to participate! What we do need to participate in is keeping our feet on the paths the Lord sets before us. Give careful though to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Proverbs 4:26
So long winter...maybe. It's very easy to love a little one needing snuggies, as one granddaughter calls them. As we near the end of the "love" month I found myself pondering the command to love one another. Jesus was able to love others, the way he commands us to love, by staying connected to his Father. We have the ability to stay connected to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and be equipped to love in ways that sometimes feel impossible. Love your enemies. Luke 6:27 You must love each other, just as I have loved you. John 13:34 Love your neighbor as yourself. Galatians 5:14 Whew! There are days I am very unlovable, yet Jesus does it. Whether we like someone or not we are commanded to accept them and see value in them simply as God's creation. We are to love others unconditionally and forgive them totally even if they do not ask us to. 1 Corinthians 13 isn't just for wedding ceremonies. It's for everyday life. Love is pa...