Hallelujah Series #4
The chase. This is lengthy. Maybe tomorrow's will be short. No clue why the font colors came out like they have. Praise and Thanksgiving brighten any situation. All the pastors from our various campuses were on a bus to VA Beach to attend the SBCV convention. I asked my husband if they sang together along the way. He laughed at me and said, “Like 100 bottles of beer on the wall?” I said, “No, like praise songs in the stand still traffic on I81.” He simply said, “No.” My reply, “Well, if it was a bus load of women we would have been singing praise and that traffic would have moved or at least the time would have flown by.” He said, “Probably so.”😂 Praise works, so why do we forget to do it? Since March we have been working on purchasing a car that seats 7 so we can haul more grandchildren around. It will hopefully be our forever car for the rest of our lives. My husband’s 2005 Ford Pick up and my 2010 car have served us well. Two weeks ago we finally found what I had been sea