Who is this God

Just as these children didn't know what was inside their packages we cannot know the ways of God.

LOL while the chaos of unwrapping occurred, we had a miniature bottle brush Christmas tree caper in our midst. See the tiny blonde in the bottom of the photo. She had a blast absconding with these decorations from the bowl in the middle of the coffee table.

My husband and I recently had a discussion that left us both realizing we have no clue of all of God's ways. Our minds cannot begin to grasp the magnitude of who God is..

  • Omnipotence - God is all powerful.
  • Omnipresence - God is everywhere.
  • Omnibenevolent - God is all loving.
  • Omniscience - God is all knowing

  • Psalm 145:3  You are wonderful, Lord, and you deserve all praise, because you are much greater than anyone can understand.

The word contemplate came to mind.
Definition: to look at thoughtfully for a long time.

This side of heaven we will never stop contemplating the ways of God, because we will never figure them out. He knows EVERYTHING!

The Song
"He Knows"  Jeremy Camp

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