The Invasion of Christmas


From the cradle to the cross.

You know the song lyric "What child is this?," well each morning this week my husband has turned to me and said, "What day is this?" Christmas on a Wednesday just seems weird.  At our Christmas Eve service I found a 5 year old girl hiding behind one of our big doors to the worship center that was propped open. I squatted down and said, "Well, hello. What kind of fun is happening back here?" She said, "It's not Sunday, why are we here?" 

Yesterday, we left the house while it was still dark to make the rounds to three of our children's homes to see the excitement of Christmas.  After breakfasting with one family a little grandaugter said to me, "Will you take me to an indoor playground?" (We had just visited the Chick Fil A playground the week before.) I explained on this special day where we celebrate the birth of Jesus  most all schools, businesses,  stores and restaurants close so people can be with their families and remember the birth of Christmas.

Christmas is so much more than celebrating a birth though and the devotional below gave me reason to pause and think deeply.

The Holy Spirit is at work in all believers at different times in different ways.  One of the most beautiful things about group Bible study or sitting under different teachers is hearing what God is stirring in someone else's heart.

Some of our grands and I had an interesting time discussing the devotional below by author John Eldredge titled "The Invasion of Christmas."  This devotional is from Eldridge's book called Restoration Year. 

The Songs (I meant to post yesterday.)

“Angles from the Realms of Glory” With the Piano Guys

“When Love was Born” Mark Schultz

“Who Could’ve Dreamed” Jason Crabb

“A Child Has Come” Jon Reddick

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