Believable or Not

When we ponder Christ's birth, horrific death and resurrection it's pretty unbelievable anyone could love a sinner to this depth, but when we walk with him and talk with him and he tells us we are his own we are persuaded that he is able to keep all his promises.

It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost. 1 Timothy 1:15

We don't know how the Holy Spirit does what he does, but we feel his presence. The chill bumps come, the nudges point us in the way we know we should go. It's the real deal and no one can convince us otherwise. No turning back, no turning back.

While this hymn is not one we usually belt out during December, it came to me while listening to "Because of Bethlehem" and it fits! I chose a version sung 13 years ago by a congregation in Belfast. When you read the comments below the video the first one may make you chuckle "It's so beautiful to see all 0f these old people worship God."

In 1883 D.W. Whittle wrote the hymn below

"I Know Not Why God's Wondrous Grace"

"I know not why God’s wondrous grace to me is daily shown, nor why, with mercy, Christ in love redeemed me for his own."

But “I know whom I have believed,
and am persuaded that he is able
to keep that which I’ve committed
unto him against that day.”

2 I know not how this saving faith
to me he did impart,
nor how believing in his word
wrought peace within my heart. [Refrain]

3 I know not how the Spirit moves,
convincing us of sin,
revealing Jesus through the Word,
creating faith in him. [Refrain]

4 I know not when my Lord may come,
at night or noon-day fair,
nor if I’ll walk the vale with him,
or meet him in the air. [Refrain]7

The Song

I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace"

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