It's a Wonder

My heart was so full with these two little granddaughters helping me decorate our tree.  It is a first Christmas for the 11 month old and she could have rummaged through the ornament bins all day. It was equally as much fun to see the lower 3 feet of the tree laden with ornaments placed on the tree by the four year old. The jubilant  exclamation with each selection made me smile. Oh, the simple joys of childhood. And unbelievably, not one ornament was broken in this process. Christmas through a child's prospective of wonder should stir us to consider the wonder of Christmas more deeply.

Yes, little Miss Hospitality enjoys entertaining, but if I am honest, I wish the Christmas season afforded meals showing up at the door instead of all the time spent cooking and shopping. Then there would be more time to just sit, study and worship by the tree and be filled with wonder.

It is such a blessing to have friends and family who love the Lord, keep their Bibles open and keep Christ at the center of Christmas.

My pondering moment today is found in Luke 2:19

The shepherds were in amazement and couldn't wait to tell this story....

But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them.

Mary knew from her angel encounters that life as she had known it would never be the same. This was no ordinary baby. As the shepherds referred to him as the Savior of the world, confirming what she had been told...Mary treasured up this in her heart.

The angel had told her ...And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David.

For now she could rejoice in the wonder of it all.

The Song

"Joy to the World" Phil Wickham

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