A Miracle to Behold

On the right, our six year old grandson is playing a wiseman in his school's Christmas program.

Having given birth six times I have a lot of compassion for women in labor. I ask the women at church to let me know when they go into labor so I can be praying for them.
So on this Christmas Eve my thoughts go to Mary in labor on a DONKEY!  That's way beyond a "Bless her heart!"

May today and tomorrow allow you time to BEHOLD God's amazing plan to save the world.

Love to each of you who read Boojoyful and encourage me to stay plugged into what God is doing.

Listening to the songs below related to the word "Behold" set me on a hunt as to what the word really means.

From various Google sources...
" Behold is used 1,298 times in the King James version of the Bible. It is derived from the Greek word 'eido,' which has the literal translation of: be sure to see. Or as I like to think of it — don't miss this."

 "Behold for the Christian is to look to God, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit to see, observe and comprehend His will and ways through His Word, the Bible. It means we have a choice – a choice to behold or not to behold. It represents the responsibility that is our part in the Christian walk."
Does the Bible say you become what you behold?
2 Corinthians 3:18 says that when we behold Jesus with the eyes of faith, we are transformed, we become more like Him, from one degree of glory to another, that is progressively over time as we behold him more and more."  
The Message translation in verses 16-18 explains it this way. 
Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are—face-to-face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We’re free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.
Now that is a miracle to behold!

The Song

"When We Behold " Matt Redman (Glory to God in Highest)


"Behold" Phil Wickham and 


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