A Skunk's Tale

September 22
The day was approaching when seven people from our church were going to be baptized here at Shiloh.  The beach had been weeded, mums and pumpkins placed around, but prayers had not been said around the property for protection.  Recalling a bee attack from the week before, my husband set out in the night to pour gasoline down the bee hole.  With flashlight in hand, he shined the light towards where the hole was located and jumped back at the site of a skunk with its head stuck down in the hole.

Years ago, we had a dead fish stinking up our shoreline two days before our daughter's wedding, but I have the feeling a skunk firing off on my husband and the baptism area would be even more disgusting for people to smell.  Fortunately, the skunk just wandered off, my husband got about his bee business and God delivered a glorious day for the baptisms.

Let's take time this week to ask God where we need to shine his light on the path of life, so we don't get in a stinking mess!  :-)

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105

 But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn,
that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.
Proverbs 4:18 

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