Downward Spiral

 The marble maze we made this morning.

September 17-18
Sometimes life feels like a downward spiral and we wonder what is at the end.  As the boys and I made this marble maze this morning, I reflected on all the twists and turns that life takes.  Our daughter has just had her second miscarriage in five months and it HURTS!
Yes, we know lots of women have them.
Yes, we know she is blessed to have two children.
Yes, we know that God is sovereign and we trust him.
Yes, we believe that life begins at conception and therefore we long to know this little life that didn't come to be here on earth.

Once again I'm in a study of Thessalonians and as I've been here grieving with my child I had to read…
We are not trying to pleases men but God, who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Whew, Beth Moore writes about how, after being striped, beaten and imprisoned, Paul and Silas kept on keeping on with their boldness for Christ.  Today, I almost found myself saying, "Please don't put yourself through this anymore. Why don't you look into adoption?"  But it's not my story. It's not my test. (Well, I've had to do a heart check the past few days.) It's not my walk with Jesus, it is my daughter's and I love watching what God is always weaving together in her life for His good, because she is faithful to let him use her.  She knows there is a bigger purpose.

This afternoon, nap time has come and I've been able to get into the Word.  1 Thessalonians 2:8 states:
We cared so much for you (Paul addressing his fellow believers) that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because  you had become dear to us.

It's a blessing to watch the body of Christ love on this sweet family.  This is how God intended for life to look when the downward spirals show up.

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