The Intent

September 26
For  three hours I plugged into Thessalonians.  I was so exited and wanted to share with someone. I began writing an email to some groups I'm involved with currently.  Deleting it, I realizing they would probably find me nuttier than usual.

I may have mentioned, I've been listening to a chapter a day on audio as read by Max McLean. Additionally,  I've pulled up a John Piper sermon each day related to the specific chapter I'm studying. I'm learning so much I could bust. It's better than a college course.  All the while my plants are thirsty, my ironing is towering to the ceiling and I can no longer blame the dust on the fall air.

Related to 1 Thessalonians 2 (which is flat out amazing) John Piper wrote:

"This message is intended to lead you down paths that will deepen and strengthen and intensify and lengthen your joy-by pointing you to the work of God, the word of God, and the ways of God.

And one of the ways of God that leads deeper into this kind of joy is the pathway of self-giving. I'm not talking about giving your money, though the happiest and healthiest saints are always the most generous. I'm talking about giving your self, or giving your soul.  That's what this message is about."

May the joy of the Lord in each of you be deepened, strengthened, intensified and lengthened today, while you are working for God, reading His Word and walking in His ways!  In Jesus' Name, Amen

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