She daydreams of a place where the coffee is strong and there is nowhere she has to be.

September 8
Our daughter, Jiewon, posted the above attachment on her blog.  Flying back to Paris a week ago, she began living that very daydream.  For the next year she will work on the completion of her doctorate in French Literature.  Later, she emailed to say a good friend had arrived. They are enjoying walks and sitting in cafes to work together.  They also were heading out Sunday to check out a new church.

Whether you are in good ole Moneta or Paris, France we all need godly friends in our lives with whom we can walk, break bread, drink coffee, and worship the Lord.

That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up.
They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together,
the common meal, and the prayers.
Acts 2:42

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