As the Crow Flies

September 15
One of my favorite sisters in Christ said to me one day, "You just see God in everything don't you?"
I do think there are lessons to be learned all around us.  Watching a group of crows in our yard the other day had me thinking.
There was one picking away at the berries in a dogwood tree and three others were posted below the tree on the ground.  As soon as I moved to my bedroom window, they squawked and took flight.
Standing perfectly still, I thought they would return and allow me to get a picture, but they were obviously aware of my presence.  Hours later, they were back again and I realized if I stayed about 8 feet back from the window they were not aware of me and I could shoot a couple pictures. These birds were sticking together and definitely on the alert.

What was the lesson?  It is important to stick together with like minded friends, who will warn us when danger is approaching.

There are many Bible battles recorded where the soldiers had to trust their leaders and those standing guard. The Israelites and the Red Sea, Gideon, Joshua at Jericho.  Here in another battle in the book of Joshua the Lord is giving specific instructions:

"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you, and go up and attack Ai.  For I have delivered into your hands the king of Ai….Listen carefully….All of you be on the alert."  Joshua 8:1, 4

Thank God for the friends who have your back!  CAW CAW  or is that Call, Call!

Crack me up…I was traveling out of state today and used Siri for directions and I kid you not she said, "It is 30 miles away AS THE CROW FLIES!"

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