An Average Day

September 3
Yesterday a few thinks on my mind were... I noticed that the nail polish was coming off two of my toes and I'm out of town without touch up polish.  The temperature was over 100 and a dread of the day was how many times I'd have to be out in the heat and I had an emphasis on being sure the grandkids stayed hydrated. (I did pray for construction workers in the area.)
Then I picked up Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love, which had me challenged spiritually the moment my eyes hit the introduction and it has held my interest right into chapter two where I just read:
"On an average day we live caught up in ourselves.  On an average day we don't consider God very much.  On an average day, we forget that our life truly is a vapor."

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?   You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  James 4:13-14

Even after reading that, I didn't turn off the mundane of the daily schedule and sit before the Lord.
The only contact I had had with God was flash prayers for the needs of others.  My morning had started with telling Him how much I loved him and the children and I singing, This is the day the Lord has made, but that was the extent of the depth.
What if it had been may last day and I'd given Him no time.  :-(
Chan writes, "We tend to live our lives as though our lives would go on forever."

Lord, help us make today be more than average. Help us make it about You and giving You glory!  When we put our heads on our pillows may we say, "Today I saw the Lord at work!" In Jesus' Name, Amen

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