You're Going to Miss It
I've told y'all before, I hear God so well in the shower. My thoughts drifted to the beautiful day my husband and I were going to have together, a day off, hopefully doing some "leaf peeping," although he doesn't know this. He peeps a lot of leaves on our five acres.
It was 11 AM and he'd already been called to the hospital to see two people and I received a call from a very dear long time friend that her husband was going to have serious surgery tomorrow. I knew my husband would want to see this man. Then the text rang and a church member's mother had died along with the hope of our day together, but Hallelujah anyway.
Then the thought came...We are going to miss the prime leaf peeping....but we will not miss being ready if Jesus returns.
When was the last time you said to someone..."Hurry, you are going to miss ...."?
Often when there is a sporting event on TV one of us will say...Hurry, you are going to miss the replay! A couple weeks I got a text from my son, when I'd gone to the bathroom during our grandson's football game. "Hurry back to the field, they have put him in on offense as tailback."
In the airport, "Hurry, we are going to miss our connection."
There is one connection we do not want to miss and that is of Jesus as our Lord and Savior. If you are reading Boojoyful you most likely have made that connection, but you probably have a list of loved ones whom you do not want to miss being ready when the trumpet calls or their last breath is breathed. Stop right now and pray for those people.
The Song
“In Christ Alone” Adrienne Liesching