How Do We Punch the Devil?"
Perusing Instagram, to get a glance at my children and grandchildren, a clip from a mama and daughter popped up. I don't know how to navigate IG well, but the person posting is called "therealchidimma." This mama has equipped her child with TRUTH that she will carry with her wherever she goes. The exchange is precious and powerful.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
I've posted these truths in my kitchen in hopes of memorizing them.
The Mama "So, how do we punch the devil?"
The child's enthusiastic response.
"By saying the word of God.
I have the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I'm the redeemed of the Lord
I'm the beloved of Abba
All my sins are forgiven.
I'm passionately loved by God.
I'm powerfully helped by God.
I'm kept and protected by God.
I'm irrevocably blessed.
I'm eternally forgiven.
I'm the healed of the Lord.
I enjoy angelic assistance.
I have the favor and the wisdom of God.
Nothing is against me, nothing dies in my hands.
I am never stranded.
The supernatural is natural to me.
God loves me more than the devil hates me."
The mama: "Now scream it!"
The child: "Grace is working for me!"
The Song
“Praise the Lord” Micah Tyler