Scriptural Prayers #1


Currently, I have the privilege of discipling two young women. There is something so special about sitting around an open Bible with people hungry to learn about God's Word. 

Yesterday, I shared on Boojoyful.blogspot about being awakened in the middle of the night with an urgency to pray against the evil present in Washington, DC.  There were so many hallelujah moments, lifting the name of God on high, during Inauguration Day. The chilly bumps kept running from my toes to my head.

In an email to these young women this morning, I was addressing the power in learning to pray scriptural prayers and shared two sites that help us learn to do just that. I will share one today and one tomorrow.

Today's email from was the perfect example of God's provision givign me the perfect follow up for what had been stirring in my heart.

Promise #21  I will shield your life and deliver you from the wicked.

You who love Yahweh, hate evil. He preserves the souls of his saints. He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.Psalm 97:10

"God is our protector. God is our defender and promises to shield and deliver us from the hand of the wicked. The New Living Translation says Psalm 27:10 this way...

You who love the Lord, hate evil!  He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked.

No matter the opposition you face, God is greater because good fathers protect their kids. It is that simple. The world can be a very scary place to live in apart from this revelation.  But when we know that our Dad is the biggest, the strongest, and the most loving Dad in the universe, it makes all the difference in the world!

May we all be convinced of this truth on a deeper level than we have ever known before.  My prayer today is that the knowledge of our Father's protecting love will bring peace, rest and security to our souls so that we will be confident that He is our fortress and shield.

May we echo the words found in Psalm 91:1-2 that says...

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of Yahweh, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust."

Here is the example of scriptural prayer given on 365 Promises.

"Father, thank you for being my shield, defender, and strong tower. Help me to live in the tangible reality that even now, my dwelling place is in the center of your embrace.  May the security of being loved and protected bring a deep sense of peace and rest to my soul, no matter what challenges I face today. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen"

The Song

"Praise the Lord" Micah Tyler

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