Sweet Baby Love

August 24

Unable to sleep the other night I opted not to count sheep, but pray my way back to sleep!  Before going into prayer mode the phrase keep my mind steadfast came into play and I knew a scripture verse was trying to surface. It's a great one for the middle of the night wearies.

"People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole.  Steady on their feet, because they keep at it and don't quit.  Depend on God and keep at it, because in the Lord God you have a sure thing."  Isaiah 26: 3-4 The MSG

There are a few sure things in this life.  If we've been born, one thing for certain is we are going to die .
For me, it's a sure thing that walking on earth with Jesus is easier than walking alone.

Pray for the family of the executive chef who was killed today in Charleston. He has a wife and 2 little boys. One of my very best friends is the mother of the assistant manager of the restaurant and he, like the chef, was threatened by this man on Monday. My friend's son had today off, but he is very, very upset to have lost a friend and colleague in this way.

Day Twenty-four of Encouraging Your Husband
"And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.Eph. 6:4

Children can be quite a challenge to the marriage relationship. A wise wife will support

her husband's leadership in the home as much as possible, and will praise him for his fathering skills. Negativity makes a man feel like a failure, and may make him to want to give up.
Does your husband discipline your children wisely? Does he show them love and encourage them? Does he take an interest in their activities and dreams? Does he spend time with them? Does he take part in developing their character? Praise him for these important life skills. 
If you don't have children, is your husband positive and encouraging around other people's children? Let him know that you have noticed. 
If your husband does not experience positive relationships with children, you will need to figure out why. Perhaps he had negative experiences as a child with his own parents, and needs to learn how to respond. Perhaps you can lovingly and patiently show him how to parent—while still maintaining his authority in the home.

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