
Showing posts from May, 2024

Cousins Day 3

Include your cousins in life's celebrations.   "People are looking for mentors, but there are few who are qualified to be good mentors. In Mary’s visit with Elizabeth, she found opportunity to be comforted, validated and strengthened by a friend who understood her situation as nobody else could.  Elizabeth was a great mentor because she had been taught to walk with the Lord. Elizabeth is quick to advise Mary, to encourage her, to strengthen her faith , and to help her through this difficult time in her life. She has the experience that Mary lacks. Mentoring a person has eternal consequences way greater than we can ever imagine.  Elizabeth lived through the sorrowful loss of her son, John. It is possible she was able to show Mary what enduring a son’s murder looked like." These last two sentences were a show stopper for me.  I had never thought about this similarity before. It took me back to walking alongside a college student, whose mother had murdered her five yea

Cousins Day 2

  Boy cousins at Shiloh's Cammo Camp I never expected to see jealousy between our grandchildren, but unfortunately, just as with siblings, cousin jealous definitely exists. Once I even realized there was one child who would visit and turn around the picture frames having photographs of certain other grandchildren.😳 While I enjoy sharing with them what their cousins are up to the truth is they really don't want to hear it. They like life to be all about them. Continued thoughts about cousins, Elizabeth and Mary. "Have you ever had something really great happen to you, maybe the best thing in your life, and then have someone near to you has something even bigger happen? How hard would that be to not let it overshadow your own joy. I think it is remarkable that these two godly women mutually rejoiced with one another in God’s goodness, not competing or comparing with one another but in true joy.    Elizabeth also had the incredible privilege to mentor someone who would be gr

Cousins- Day 1

  All of our grandchildren have at least 13 cousins.  I pray often that they will always love one another well and be there for support for one another the rest of their lives. My favorite cousin story in the Bible is that of Elizabeth and Mary and I want to dwell on their relationship a few days. Somehow I came across an article that laid out the importance of mentioning for me.  I copied the article and noted that it was from a ministry called "What Then Why."  Now I can't find that site anywhere and I don't think the article notes the author, so I apologize, but it's just too good not to share over the next couple days. So, here we go... “ Elizabeth’s young cousin, Mary, also became pregnant through miraculous means. This young woman, who pondered much in her heart, made the journey to see her older relative. Why did Mary go to Elizabeth? Was it solely because she knew she was experiencing a miracle pregnancy too? In her time of uncertainty and turmoil , there
These two cousins are now teenagers.  Happy 13th birthdays. The 3:20AM wake up call came with the need for a drink of water, followed by a bathroom run. Then crawling back into bed the mind started rushing. The dilemma...whether to replace the carpet in three bedrooms or let the grands wear on it another summer.  Then would it be better to replace it with new carpet or switch to hardwood.   These led to a list of everything in the house and yard needing which could use a spruce up, which by now 5:00 AM, I am thinking should we just sell the property. Devil darts galore, so I opened Jesus Calling to read for that day. "Thank me for your problems. As soon as your mind gets snagged on a difficulty, bring it to Me with thanksgiving. Then ask Me to show you My way to handle the situation. The very act of thanking Me releases you from your negative focus. As you turn your attention to Me, the problem fades in significance and loses its power to trip you up. Together we can deal with the

Remember Your Story

Our oldest granddaughter made this bouquet and hand painted card for me.💖 Nothing touches our lives that God doesn't allow.  He has a plan and a purpose, sometimes far into the future, that can be used for His glory. (Jeremiah 29:11) Flash back 40 years and I approached life's downs with an "I can't believe this is happening." and truth be told "How can I fix it?" attitude.   Now that I am older and wiser I see that God truly works all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.  (Romans 8:28) I thank God for the stroke 8 years ago and how it mellowed me out (okay some of you are laughing, but it really did). And honestly,  I like getting old. Sure, there are regrets, but there is also value in being able to pass along the wisdom learned from those regrets. God CAN use everything for His good. Mentoring moments are what I feel called to at this stage of life.  Working on a talk for a women's retreat weekend, I came ac

Music is a Way to Testify

Music is such a powerful way to bring a message. Now, just with a click on our phones we can pull up any genre or artist.  No more going to the turntable to drop on that record. Again and again the Bible reminds us to sing!   "Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!" Psalm 47:6 Pictured above is my four month old Snuggie. She is an old soul. We've been enjoying some screened porch time listening to the birds and music.  While the album "Hidden in My Heart" is one of our favorites for rest time, the other day I clicked on Michael Buble radio and we heard him singing these lyrics which are very appropriate for a grandmother/grandchild relationship.  "I've Got a Crush on You"  "I Get A Kick Out of You," and "Close Your Eyes!" Elvis came on with "Can't Help Falling in Love." But hands down Snuggie's favorites so far are  “Stand By Me,” “Just the Way You Look Tonight” and Ella Fitz

Bee Pollinators of the Gospel

  Come close to Me and I will come close to you. James 4:8 Birds, bees, beetles, butterflies and other creators have to come close to flowers/plants in order for pollination to occur.  While looking up definitions of pollination, they ranged from extremely scientific utilizing words I didn't understand to simply "fertilize by transferring pollen." The body of Christ has the ability to carry out a similar process.  We can carry the gospel to other lives. The most affective way is to first draw close to God and then draw near to those he is leading us to build relationship with and share the Good News. Each time we look at a bee or flower may we be reminded of the creative process God designed to cause his creation to blossom and grow.  May that thought lead us to think in the human perspective of how God has given us his Word to bring new life. For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joi

Real Life

Choosing to rejoice always.  The friend in the top picture is recovering from a broken ankle, but while still wearing a brace was limping up a hill, making the best of a field trip to some greenhouses recently. The other friend, a widow, who wasn't up for plant shopping following lunch together, found a shaded swing on the property and made the most of a very hot day. When my husband accepted his pastorate position there was a welcoming   reception for us at the main campus of the three location campus church, now five campuses, he is serving.  This was a totally different congregation from the one we would be serving.  As we stood in the receiving line people were so gracious and encouraging.  Then one woman wearing a big hat and dark glasses came to us and without introducing herself said, "I know who you are." and walked off. After the reception the head pastor asked "How are y'all feeling?"  I said, "It was lovely except for one very strange encount

Be the Light Inside and Out

  Awakening this morning God said, "Be the light." Looking out our bedroom window the sun was just starting to rise and it made a beautiful reflection on the water, then heading into our powder room the little shaded sconce lit up the room.  That caused me to remember we carry the Light of Christ into some dark places and through the power of the Holy Spirit in us can bring change to situations. Sunday our pastor preached on 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5. Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be  honored, as happened among you,   and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil  men. For not all have faith.   But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard  you against the evil one.    And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are  doing and will do the things that we command.   May the Lord direct your hearts to  the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. He warned o

We All Fall Down

  I want a Foam Cannon for Mother's Day! Gearing up for some morning praise, I clicked on Pandora, but instead of being on Contemporary Christian Radio it was on Toddler Songs and "Ring around the Rosy" was playing. Before I switched over the lyric "We all fall down" was playing.  That spoke to me.  We all fail and at times we fall down. Clicking over to the other channel "To Not Worship You" was playing and the lyric "He conquered the grave and makes all things new" was being sung.  Sometimes our needed lessons and words of encouragement come from unexpected places.  Oh how blessed we are to worship an ever present God.  Seek Him and we will find him. The next song was "The Same God." "You're with me in it all God."  Amen  The Songs “Same God” Hannah Kerr “To Not Worship You” MercyMe

Jesus Isn't Make Believe

  Happy FriYAY-my husband is off today and I am rejoicing! Our family has enjoyed a good "pretend to be a pirate" party for years. The official Smith Mt Lake pirate days began in 2013 and we have enjoyed watching the battles on the water ever since and began burying our own treasure here at Shiloh when the grands became old enough to hunt.  Now we even have under water hunts in the shallow water. We are of the belief that you explain to children at an early age that Santa, the Easter bunny and magical growing jelly beans are make believe and fun to enjoy, but we must emphasis the true meaning of Christmas and Easter. It'a all about Jesus who is not make believe, but makes an eternal difference in our lives when we do believe in why He came to earth, died, was buried and resurrected. "For  the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 A Video on Luke 19:10 The Song Jesus Can    Austin French https://www.youtu

The Fear of Going Back

  Whether it's the return of cancer, of a loved one returning to an addiction, a precious restored relationship breaking again, or like me, the fear of another stroke, there are places we have the fear of going back to. Taking on way too many commitments I found myself having severe "stroke" type head issues again. I really wondered if I could get through the day or if I'd had a TIA. My brain was in bad shape, but there were things that needed to get done. The calls, texts and emails were pouring in from various unrelated places and I couldn't bring myself to not answer. Praying and asking the Lord to get me safely to church the song "Strong" by Anne Wilson came on the radio and grabbed my attention. Four hours later heading home after setting up for a luncheon and running an errand, I again was asking the Lord to get me safely home and the very same song came on the radio again. I knew the Lord was with me and would see me home. Covering my head, I laid