The Fear of Going Back


Whether it's the return of cancer, of a loved one returning to an addiction, a precious restored relationship breaking again, or like me, the fear of another stroke, there are places we have the fear of going back to.

Taking on way too many commitments I found myself having severe "stroke" type head issues again. I really wondered if I could get through the day or if I'd had a TIA. My brain was in bad shape, but there were things that needed to get done.

The calls, texts and emails were pouring in from various unrelated places and I couldn't bring myself to not answer. Praying and asking the Lord to get me safely to church the song "Strong" by Anne Wilson came on the radio and grabbed my attention. Four hours later heading home after setting up for a luncheon and running an errand, I again was asking the Lord to get me safely home and the very same song came on the radio again. I knew the Lord was with me and would see me home.

Covering my head, I laid down and slept hard for 15 minutes and felt restored. Before going to sleep last night I opened "Jesus Calling" on my phone and there was the reminder I needed.

"Relax in my healing presence. As you spend time with Me, your thoughts tend to jump ahead to today's plans and problems. Bring your mind back to Me, for refreshment adn renewal.  Let the Light of My Presence soak into yur as your focus your thoughts on Me.  Thus I equip you to face whatever the day brings.

This sacrifice of time pleases me and strengthens you.  Do not skimp on our time together. Resist the clamor of tasks waiting to be done."

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.  Psalm 89:15

The Lord is with me wherever I go. Today we will give God the glory as we honor the widows of our community and pray they all make a new friend.

The Song

"Strong" Anne Wilson

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