Take the Wheel


Jesus take the wheel! We have a beginning driver in the family!  

Our oldest granddaughter shakes her head when her Papa starts a story with, "Back in my day..."

Well, back in my day you took driver's education at school. The driver's ed cars and your behind the wheel course was taken during the school day.  So, so wrong, but my instructor was from a tiny town called Boones Mill, about a 20 minute drive from the high school. One day he had the two of us in the car (15 year old girls), drive to his house where he fixed us PB and J sandwiches at this kitchen table, read his mail and then had us drive back to school.  I didn't know enough then to know how dangerous this was, but now just shake my head and thank the Lord for protecting us.

You have probably had some "Jesus take the wheel" moments this past week. In a 48 hour period I received texts or calls from people in need of prayer.

"My mother's caregiver just called. She has had to call an ambulance."

"Please pray, I don't think my father in law is going to make it. We are trying to get him to let us call 911."

"We are heading to Duke to see a neurologist."

"Please pray my MRI is tomorrow."

"Please pray, my baby was born at 28 weeks, weighing 2 pounds and he has a brain bleed."

"Please pray the surgery to remove the spot from my lung was more painful than I'd imagined."

"Life is awful. My wife will never get better."

Two women called within 30 minutes to say their husbands had each received a very serious medical diagnosis.

A neighbor's 43 year old friend just died of a massive heart attack.

Another neighbor asked for prayer for his brother who needs an immediate lung transplant. Both his lungs are failing.

Jesus take the wheel and be the All-Sufficient One for all these individuals.  In Jesus' name, Amen

"I  call on you, my God, for you will answer me..." Psalm 17:6

"I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer."

Psalm 120:1 

"Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I."  Isaiah 58:9 – 

Father, you have just prompted me to pray for medical personal, first responders, and pastors whose days are filled with Jesus take the wheel moments. Guide the actions these individuals must take and the decisions they must make in a moment's notice. May they sense Your constant presence and angels surrounding them. Strengthen them and cause the hearts of their families to be encourages and sympathetic to what they deal with day after day. Forgive me, as a pastor's wife, for unloading on my woes on my husband, when he has carried the burdens of so many throughout the day.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

The Song

"Jesus Take the Wheel" Carrie Underwood


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