Real Life

Choosing to rejoice always.  The friend in the top picture is recovering from a broken ankle, but while still wearing a brace was limping up a hill, making the best of a field trip to some greenhouses recently. The other friend, a widow, who wasn't up for plant shopping following lunch together, found a shaded swing on the property and made the most of a very hot day.

When my husband accepted his pastorate position there was a welcoming  reception for us at the main campus of the three location campus church, now five campuses, he is serving.  This was a totally different congregation from the one we would be serving.  As we stood in the receiving line people were so gracious and encouraging.  Then one woman wearing a big hat and dark glasses came to us and without introducing herself said, "I know who you are." and walked off.

After the reception the head pastor asked "How are y'all feeling?"  I said, "It was lovely except for one very strange encounter."  He didn't ask who the person was, but simply said to us, "I can received 50 encouraging comments after a service, but one negative comment can negate all the positive input.  Don't let the bring you down."

This week a friend had to put her beloved dog to sleep due to liver cancer.  I know what it is like to wake up those first weeks after the loss of a pet or a loved one, so I texted her a word of encouragement.  She said, "It's hard, so I am trying to focus on Jesus and  thank him for the gift of Annie.  He gives and He takes away and He knows best. That's a hard truth today."

The other day started out with joy and gladness, but an encounter with a negative Nellie, caused it to spiral down.  In a matter of moments this individual had cut six people to the quick. I had an opportunity to politely remove myself from the situation, so I did.  But you know what, I went home replaying what had happened and was myself in a negative mood.

Then the Lord led me to call a widow friend who had been moved 10 days before to a rehab center due to a fall.  Low and behold she had taken another fall and had just been brought to the ER.  With both arms and hands bloodied and splinted due to breaks she was still upbeat, asking me about my day and telling me about all the friends she had made at the rehab center.  My spirits soared and I thanked her for the example she is to me.  I'm just realizing there was someone graciously holding the phone for her.

That evening I was having a little trouble getting to sleep, so I looked on Biblegateway for the verse of the day to meditate upon.  Are You kidding me, Lord? My favorite!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

When I awakened the negative woman was the first person on my mind.  Turning on Pandora, I said, "Lord, I need to lift my spirits and give this day to You. Select a song for me."  Well, He surely did, with Micah Tyler's "Praise the Lord."  

One again I opened Biblegateway and the same verse remained on the screen.  I shut the app down and looked for the next day's verse.  Just as good. Ha, the Bible is like that.

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you out to answer each person. Colossians 4:5-6

He will lead, we just need to follow.

The Song

“Praise the Lord” Micah Tyler

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