
Showing posts from January, 2020

Our Helpers

We gave this little one a vacuum for Christmas. Love seeing him learn to help! Here's a precious thought that I don't stop enough to take in. God fights for us! " Contend for me, my God and Lord. " Psalm 35:23  (The whole Psalm in the CEV is at the bottom of the page.) God loves to help us.  John 14:26 often comes to mind and I thank God for the Holy Spirit, my Helper. "But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because  the Father will send the Spirit to take my place.  The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you."  John 14:26 CEV Mark Batterson wrote in Drawing the Circle , "We actually have two intercessors. The Holy Spirit is interceding for us with groans that cannot be uttered. Long before we woke up this morning and long after we go to sleep tonight, the Holy Spirit was and is circling us in prayer.  And if that doesn't infuse us with holy conf...

The Boomerang Blessing

A long awaited photo shoot was a total bust last week. Baby dumpling just wasn't having it. The two older boys were amazingly patient. Mother Teresa said, "Kind words can be short to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." One of the best loved lines in "The Help" was "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." The art of bestowing a blessing on our children may have first been introduced to us in the heart wrenching story of Jacob and Esau.   "' Esau, said to his father? Bless me, even me also, O my father.'  And Esau lifted up his voice and wept."  Genesis 27:38 Oh thank You Father that you have more than one blessing to give. " The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it." Proverbs 10:22 In Gary Smalley's book,  The Blessing , he talks about five key components for communicating unconditional love and acceptance. He challenges us to pray for ...

Is it Usual?

Another birthday in the books. Acts 17 has me fired up!  God's Word is alive and it excites! Check out the take aways for me in verses 1-4 "After Paul and his friends had traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they went on to Thessalonica. A Jewish meeting place was in that city.   So as usual, Paul went there to worship , and on three Sabbaths he spoke to the people. He used the Scriptures  to show them that the Messiah had to suffer, but that he would rise from death. Paul also told them that Jesus is the Messiah he was preaching about.  Some of them believed what Paul had said." 1) Is it usual for us to worship? " God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth .” John 4:24 2) Is is usual for us to use Scripture in everyday life? "Everything in the  Scripture s is God’s Word.  All  of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live ."   ...


With below freezing temps, it was an opportune time to get out my boots to wear to church. Putting on my tights and then my boots, they didn't feel nearly as comfortable as in years past.  Although I was rushing to get out the door on time, I decided to unzip them for a quick look see wondering if the the problem was my feet or the boots. In the bottom of each boot was a little knee high stocking. Whew, removing those made all the difference. As I drove to church I thought about the things that God calls us to which can make us just a little uncomfortable.  Possibly it's speaking to someone at church whom we don't know or have even formed an unjust opinion.  Maybe it's writing that check for more than our tithe or signing up to help in the children's department despite the fact some may have runny noses. "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, can call out against it the message that I tell you." Jonah 3:2 Once we "put away" what's h...

Peaceful Sleep

For as long as I can remember, probably back to the days when we had three in diapers at the same time, my husband would pray for a good night's sleep.  As I have gotten older, I've come to realize that some of my most productive times with the Lord are in the middle of the night, so a few months ago after he prayed those words I suggested that maybe God's not always calling us to sleep through the night. So, now, my probably perturbed man prays, "If it be Your will Lord, could we please get a good night's sleep.  This is coming from a man who goes to be at 8PM and gets up at 3:30AM. I'm not sure what a "good night" is to him. I think the note above came from a site called Family Life.  God obviously wants us to have a peaceful  night's sleep. I'm not sure how long God intends for those z's to endure, but however long it is His purpose is for them to be peaceful.   Watch, tonight the prayer will be  "Lord, please give...


Four words in my vocabulary, which are obsolete in the vocabulary of the current youngest generation, brought blank stares when they came out of my mouth to my grandchildren during a recent visit. LOL. You know you are old when your grand kids have no idea what girdles, panty hose and pocketbooks are. To this generation the equivalent would be Spanx, tights and a purse. The dictionary says something is obsolete when it is "no longer produced or used; or is out of date."  Add rotary phones to that list.  I just ordered this pink phone! Now I need one of those 25' LONG coiled cords like we had in the 80's, so I could  sit outside on the back stoop (another word that would stump the grandchildren) and watch the children playing, while I talked on the kitchen phone. God's Word is never obsolete! Jesus Christ never changes!   He is the   same   yesterday,   today , and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Y'all know how I enjoy words.  This one came across my email last Saturday on a sleety, cold, damp night when I was wearing my UGG boots and had already downed two cups of hazelnut cocoa!  It has a Danish origin from 1960. Hygge pronounced hugh gah  means a state of coziness and contentment. The site sentence example sentence made my husband blush when I used it on him. "Let's light a fire, grab a cup of cocoa and settle in for a night of  hygge."   Contentment  is not always cozy, but God calls us to learn how to experience it. "Paul states, "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. "  Philippians 4:11 " But godliness with contentment is great gain."   1 Timothy 6:6 Winter has finally arrived here at Shiloh, but we are trusting the Lord and his seasonal plans and snuggling in each night with hygge on our hearts.

Upward and Culture

January 22  (Posting a day early.) We had the privilege of attending one of our 7 year old grandson's very first basketball games. It was the cutest thing ever. I'm still chuckling. These two opponents looked more like they were dancing on the court than guarding one another. At one point the little boy on the right squatted down and our grandson followed suit.  Like wherever you go, I will go! The program is called Upward Basketball and is a ministry which promotes the discovery of Jesus through sports. Players get lessons in values such as self-control, kindness, caring, persevering, initiative, individuality, etc. at every practice. During halftime the spectators listen to a devotional. So, so, refreshing. Turn your eyes upon Jesus! Later in the day we attended the game of our 8 year old grandson in another league.  While not a Christian league, this program emphasized the teaching of skills and camaraderie and held a very strong par...

Lettuce, no, Let Us

Forty-four couples are enrolled in a marriage and family class at our church. Our motto...Let us cherish one another. Listening to a Bible Study Fellowship lecture last week the speaker said, there are a lot of lettuces in the Bible.  Oh, this English language can be tricky. While visiting the nursing home with some of our grands, a cut on my finger opened up and when the nurse came by the room with her medicine cart to check on my father in law, I asked if she had a band-aid I could have. She said, "Certainly, would you like alcohol?"  Our precocious, five year old grandson was standing there and chuckled, "Alcohol!!!"  I'm still laughing. He thought the nurse was pushing around a cart like on an airplane and offering me a drink, not an antiseptic pad. This language can trip you up. The BSF speaker meant that in the book of Hebrews there are lots of "Let us" challenges in the Bible. Let us draw near to God, Let us hold unswervingly to...

Crazy Faith

Years ago, we would have a huge family Christmas party the first Saturday of December. I won't share too much about it, or you might stop reading Boojoyful. Let's just say, the last year of the party I made 4,000 miniature muffins to feed the masses. It took weeks, but they were enjoyed. I'm still making this recipe today. Do you remember the story in Luke of the persistent widow? She was on a mission and the judge knew she was not going to give up. " ...this woman is driving me crazy. I'm going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!" Luke 18:5 Mark Batterson wrote, "Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers." He said in Drawing the Circle  "Jesus honored the prostitute who crashed a party at a Pharisee's home to anoint His feet. Jesus honored the tax collector who climbed a tree in his three-piece suit just to get a glimpse of Him.  Jesus honored four frien...


Years ago my husband gave me a handmade Mother's Day card and he listed several of my titles... artist, chauffeur, chef, coach, diaper changer, disciplinarian, housekeeper, Jesus fan, lover, referee, seamstress, teacher, waitress, etc. It was a very heartfelt remembrance of all moms do. A recent Bible study had me reading in John 1, Romans 3, Ephesians 1 and Colossians 1. After reading these passages I wrote in my notes some names of Jesus...whew they are of a much higher title category than any human could ever behold. He is such a BIG God. Creator Faith Builder Heavenly Earth Dweller Justifier Redeemer Righteous The Light Ultimate Forgiver While we are not capable of carrying these titles, we are privilege to personally know the One who does. " So at the name of Jesus everyone will bow down,  those in heaven,, on earth, and under the earth." Philippians 2:10

Train Your Mind

Many times I've had people ask, "How do you know it's God you are hearing?"  For us to discern the difference in God whispers and devil demands, we need to know God.  If we are in the habit of opening His Word daily, practicing listening prayers, then we develop a discerning ear.  God's instructions, God's discipline, God's encouraging and comforting will never stray from lining up with what the Bible says. God whispers are holy whispers. "Always live as God's holy people should, because God is the one who chose you, and he is holy. That's why the Scriptures say, 'I am the holy God, and you must be holy too. ' (1 Peter 1:15-16)" Paul is teaching believers in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to "take every thought captive" remembering we walk in the flesh, but have spiritual weapons to aid the very real warfare that confronts us in the spiritual realm. " For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war a...

Your Are Responsible

We had fun taking my husband's 96 year old father out to check out our son's family's new adventure van. Wish we could have hoisted him up in there for a real adventure. Sunday's sermon was a yippee tie yo  sort of sermon.  In my notes I titled it "You are Responsible." Two passages have me nibbling again and again on the message. " Rather train yourself for godliness, for while bodily training (discipline) is of some value,  godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. " 1 Timothy 4:7b-8 " Therefore, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it." Hebrews 2:1 We must be intentional on a daily basis in order for our faith to not only grow, but to sustain itself. Are we hanging out on a regular basis with people who call us to such growth and sustenance. Do we long to gather with God's people and worshi...

Fear No More

Fear No More By The Afters Take today's devotional moment and sing this song to the Lord

Your Ideas Are Better

This son is recovering from foot surgery. He had a great idea to get a basket on his knee scooter. Check out his cargo! Warning about renting scooters. He was pulled over by TSA for suspension of an  "explosive substance" on his scooter!  Are you kidding me? Glad he's not locked up.  Ya, just never know what a day holds. My husband and I were praying together for the day ahead. We had a student training luncheon schedule and my agenda had been set, but during the time of prayer God impressed upon my heart another idea.  It would have been easy to set the thought aside instead of revamping the schedule and implementing God's idea, but I knew from previous experience, God's ideas are best! " The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."   Proverbs 16:9 " Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways.!"   Psalm 128:1 Of, Father, give us ears to listen and hearts to obey when you say, ...

God Called Me Lazy Daisy

Up in the mountains on the Blue Ridge Parkway New Year's Eve Working on craft project for our children's program at church I needed more construction paper, but I really didn't want to get up and go get it.  God said, "Go get what you need Lazy Daisy!  That took me so off guard that I immediately got up and procured the paper.  I was doing a project for the Lord, but about to not give it my best. Obviously, I was lazy yesterday, no clue how I forgot to post this entry. I had written it the day before but then got side tracked yesterday. I guess it confirms how easy it is to become lazy. Proverbs has quite a lot to say about laziness. Laziness is self inflicted. It's a chosen unwillingness to work or exert energy.    "You lazy people can learn by watching an anthill."                                                Proverbs 6:6 " ...

Honor, Respect and Discipline

This oldest grand always honors us with respect. The verse I'm digging into today is Hebrews 12:28. "We should be grateful that we were given a  kingdom that cannot be shaken.  And in this kingdom we please God by worshipping him and  by showing him great honor and respect. " In the past week have you stopped to think about the Kingdom of God?  We get so caught up in the hubbub and trappings of this earthly world most of us fail to remember, this is not our home. If someone asked you today, "What is the Kingdom of God?" How would you respond? John Piper gives some great insight. "The kingdom of God is God's reign-his sovereign action in the world to redeem and deliver a people and then at a future time finish it and renew his people and the universe completely. Consider Psalm 103:19 'The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.'  You can hear the basic meaning of the word  kingdom...

Think About This

Fever and flu grasped this sweet family the week of Christmas,  but they  persevered with smiles and opening a few presents early! Think about this...God is creating something new every second. On average, 250 babies are born every minute!  Add to that plants springing forth, the animal kingdom reproducing and all that is occurring beneath the sea and we know God is constantly in motion and up to newness and good. Here's an even more exciting thought...people around the world are coming to know Christ and becoming a new creation! " Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."   2 Corinthians 5:17 " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."   Ezekiel 36:26 I enjoy newness!          A new outfit!  A new haircut! A new ...


Our granddaughter entertained us with a beautiful formal tea over the holidays! (There is no svengaling or sinister plotting in this child's sincere and sweet spirit.) Svengali is a fun word to say, but not a desired personality in which to become entangled. Just the other night I watched a Hallmark movie where the boss at a publishing house was a  svengali who stole the ideas of her young assistant for her personal gain.   My mind drifted to top svengali stories in the Bible and Haman quickly came to mind as a master svengali.  Oh, Lord, give us the alertness of Esther to sense danger, the wisdom to know You can guide us towards a way out, the courage to take a stand with You when adversity comes and the character of Christ to pray for those who persecute us. In Jesus' name, Amen "Wash yourselves clean! I am disgusted with your filthy deeds. Stop doing wrong and learn to live right. See that justice is done. Defend widows and orphans and help those in ...

Stuck in a Box

Surrounded by fascinating new toys Christmas morning,  this little one just wanted to get in empty boxes! "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." Joshua 3:5 Do we live with the daily belief that God is going to do something amazing?   Mark Batterson wrote, "Consecration means we no longer call the shots. We give God veto power. His word is the final word, whether it's Holy Scripture or the Holy Spirit. Either way, it's no longer a selfish spirituality that asks God to serve our purposes. It's all about serving His purposes so that His glory is revealed.  Consecration is death to self." Who teaches us that though?  Did your parents teach you to live that way?  Do you even hear that from your church pulpit? Most people would rather be stuck in the box of their choice, sucking on what pacifies their life and if they know God, asking Him to bless the process.  Living like that we miss the ...


Some friends gave us this book and challenged us to "Draw the Circle"  by praying together for 40 Days! It means getting up earlier and then making time to reflect on what we've seen God do when we get back together at the end of the day, but it's exciting. Each of the first two days while we are reading together the Spirit has brought me to tears through the words I've read. The word for the day... Anticipation!  I really like this word. It's right up there with expectancy.  It just popped in my head yesterday as I was walking across a parking lot. Draw the Circle  probably has a lot to do with it. The dictionary defines anticipate  as regard as probable; expect, predict. I expect God to move in my life. I know it's probable the Holy Spirit is going to spur me into actions I don't want to take. I predict when I confess my sins and quiet my mind and sit before the Lord, I will hear from Him. Yup, I anticipate God showing up if I get myself ...