Stuck in a Box

Surrounded by fascinating new toys Christmas morning, 
this little one just wanted to get in empty boxes!

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."
Joshua 3:5

Do we live with the daily belief that God is going to do something amazing?  

Mark Batterson wrote, "Consecration means we no longer call the shots. We give God veto power. His word is the final word, whether it's Holy Scripture or the Holy Spirit. Either way, it's no longer a selfish spirituality that asks God to serve our purposes. It's all about serving His purposes so that His glory is revealed.  Consecration is death to self."

Who teaches us that though?  Did your parents teach you to live that way?  Do you even hear that from your church pulpit?

Most people would rather be stuck in the box of their choice, sucking on what pacifies their life and if they know God, asking Him to bless the process.  Living like that we miss the Great Adventure God planned out for us here on earth.

Find a friend who is all about Jesus!  A friend who cherishes the sacrifice that was made for their sins and believes Jesus is alive and working in lives today.  A friend who will pray with you, with an excited expectation, knowing God is up to good in amazing ways that will bring Him glory. 

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